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英語習語:(your) heart isn't in it「對……不感興趣,」

2022-08-01由 E語Tong 發表于 林業


英語習語:(your) heart isn't in it「對……不感興趣,」

Idiom of the Day

(your) heart isn't in it


Today: Wed, 14 Oct 2020


If your heart isn‘t in something you’re doing, you don‘t really want to do it。


For example:

Ali was studying to be a doctor, but his heart wasn’t in it so he decided to follow his real dream and study film-making instead。

Ali 在學習做醫生時,他的心思並不在上面,所以他決定跟隨自己的夢想,去研究電影製作。

We could tell that Sally‘s heart wasn’t in it when she tried singing jazz, so we said she should stick to pop songs。


Quick Quiz

She‘s doing the photo shoot to promote her book, but her heart isn’t in it。 She looks

a。 quite happy

b。 really bored

c。 very funny