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2022-03-14由 九派新聞 發表于 漁業




貴州醫科大學 麻醉與心臟電生理課題組

翻譯:張中偉 編輯:潘志軍 審校:曹瑩




本研究為一項前瞻性、雙盲、隨機對照試驗,在接受單側全膝關節置換術的50名對非甾體抗炎藥副作用敏感的患者中進行。所有患者均接受椎管內麻醉、內收肌管阻滯和關節周圍浸潤。干預組的25名患者接受SNB (0。125%布比卡因[20 ml]和地塞米松[5 mg])。









Busara Sirivanasandha , Kulwadee Sutthivaiyakit , Thippatai Kerdchan, et al。 Adding a low-concentration sciatic nerve block to total knee arthroplasty in patients susceptible to the adverse effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): a randomized controlled trial。[J]。 BMC Anesthesiol (2021) 21:282:1


Adding a low-concentration sciatic nerve

block to total knee arthroplasty in patients susceptible to the adverse effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): a randomized controlled trial


Background:This study compared the effects of adductor canal blocks with those of a low concentration of popliteal-sciatic nerve block (SNB) and dexamethasone as an adjunctive technique for total knee arthroplasties (TKA)

in patients susceptible to the adverse effects of NSAIDs。

Methods:A prospective, double-blinded, randomized controlled trial was performed in 50 patients susceptible to the adverse effects of NSAIDs undergoing unilateral TKAs。 All patients received spinal anesthesia, adductor canal blocks, and periarticular infiltration。 The 25 patients in the intervention group received SNB (0。125% bupivacaine [20 ml] and dexamethasone [5 mg])。

Results:The SNB group significantly had lower median resting pain scores at 6, 12, and 18 h: the control group, 1 (0–4。5), 3 (0–5), and 3 (2–5); the intervention group, 0 (0–0), 0 (0–3), and 1 (0–3); p-values, 0。012, 0。021, and 0。010, respectively。 Movement-evoked pain scores at 6, 12, and 18 h were also lower: control group, 3 (0–5。5), 5 (2。5–6。5), and 7 (4–9); intervention group, 0 (0–1。5), 2 (0–4), and 3 (2–5); p-values, 0。019, 0。005, and 0。001, respectively。 There were no differences in motor function。 Moreover, the mean morphine consumption 24 h was also reduced in the SNB group: control group, 3。80±2。48 mg; intervention group, 1。96±2 mg; p-value, 0。005。

Conclusion:For patients susceptible to the adverse effects of NSAIDs, a low concentration of SNB and dexamethasone is an effective adjunctive technique for early postoperative pain control (especially on movement) following TKAs, without an increase in motor weakness。

There is no such thing as a great ta1ent without great will-power。 —— Balzac

沒有偉大的意志力,便沒有雄才大略。—— 巴爾扎克

