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2022-03-17由 藝術文化生活 發表于 畜牧業









Konrad Hirschler

康拉德·赫思樂(Professor Konrad Hirschler)

現任德國漢堡大學(University of Hamburg)亞洲與非洲研究所(Asia and Africa Institute)教授、博士生導師。曾在倫敦大學亞非學院(SOAS)學習非洲/亞洲歷史,2003年獲得博士學位,並先後在阿爾佈雷希茨大學和倫敦大學亞非學院擔任學術職務。2016年曾在柏林自由大學(Freie Universitt Berlin)伊斯蘭研究中心擔任教授。



然而,我對手寫材料真正的迷戀,是在我從事這個專案時,偶然發現了已知最古老的阿拉伯圖書館目錄(13世紀的)。這導致了我在英國科學院資助下為我的第三本專著《中世紀大馬士革:阿拉伯圖書館中的多元性和多樣性》——阿什拉菲亞圖書館目錄進行的研究。我的最新著作《中世紀敘利亞圖書文化的紀念碑——伊本·阿卜杜勒·哈迪圖書館》(The Library of IbnAbd al-Hādī)延續了這一思路,講述了15世紀學者伊本·阿卜杜勒·哈迪(Ibn’Abd al-Hadi)的一份非常獨特的捐贈清單,這是阿拉伯國家1500年前最大的捐贈圖書記錄。

這最後一本書強烈關注這些(並不特別漂亮)複合手稿的“重要性”(在我加入該中心之前很久,我就從CSMC採用了這個術語)。從某種意義上說,我對閱讀實踐的興趣慢慢引導我走上了研究中世紀圖書館和藏書的道路,越來越關注書籍作為實物。因此,回到漢堡,加入CSMC (Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures 手稿文化研究中心),以其獨特的專注於書面藝術的重要性,從很多方面來說我感覺像回到了家。


這本書對這一領域做出了三個主要貢獻。首先,它擴充套件了我們所知道的文獻藏書的語料庫,因為我們所知道的關於中世紀中東地區圖書館和圖書所有權的文獻很少。這是一個在過去十年才出現的重要研究領域。我的書也是包括我以前寫的關於Ashrafiya和Ibn Abd al-Hādī圖書館的書在內的中世紀藏書三部曲的最後一部。我的主要興趣不是主要從思想史的角度來研究這些圖書館,而是思考這樣的實物收藏對那些擁有它們的人、賦予它們的人以及使用它們的人意味著什麼。






因此,檔案的控制是一種分散的做法,發生在社會中的許多社會場所。這正是研究這些檔案如此迷人的原因。我們看到的不是福柯式的國家對知識生產和儲存的全面控制,而是一個不斷競爭的行動者網路。檔案儲存的這種分散性也是我們今天必須從乍一看不象是檔案的環境中檢索檔案的原因。檔案從神聖建築的儲藏室(如開羅猶太社群的Geniza或大馬士革的Qubbat al-khazna),從被重新利用的書本裝訂處,甚至在被重新利用的頭飾中被檢索出來。

Control of written documents is beyond doubt a crucial factor in building, maintaining, and negotiating social hierarchies。 However, modern understandings of the term archive and its association with the modern nation state has sometimes led to oversimplified notions of who controlled documents for what purposes。 In particular, historians have tended to ascribe a central, even monopolistic, role in this regard。 Medieval Arabic societies produced a lot of documents in the spheres of economy, taxation, property rights, marriages and so and a lot of documents were preserved。 Yet, documents were not necessarily controlled by a single state, but they were rather preserved at multiple sites in society。 We thus find that individuals, families, and endowed organisations were crucial in the preservation of documents in order to claim, maintain or challenge social hierarchies。 Even documents produced while exercising political authority (orders, tax receipts, missives and so on) were preserved by individual administrators and high-ranking officers rather than in a centralized archive。 As a colleague recently argued for early modern India, the Mughal archives were simply ‘at home’。

In consequence the control of documents was a decentralized practice that took place in numerous social sites within society。 This is exactly the reason why studying these documents is so fascinating: We are not looking at a Foucauldian state exercising total control over knowledge production and preservation, but rather at a network of actors who were in constant competition。 This decentralized nature of document preservation is also the reason why we have to retrieve documents today from contexts that are not archival at all at first glance。 Documents are retrieved from storerooms in sacred buildings (such as the Geniza of the Jewish community in Cairo or the Qubbat al-khazna of Damascus), from bookbindings where they were repurposed and even in headgears where they were reused。


:你寫了一個關於中世紀書籍收藏的研究三部曲。 書面檔案對那些曾經擁有它們的人,或是捐贈它們的人,以及曾經使用它們的人有著怎樣的意義?





Written artefacts (whether documents or books) matter to their owners because of their content but also as material objects。 Owning a document was obviously important in order to have proof of a certain right, for example of being appointed to a specific position。 At the same time, this document was also a cherished material object that was part of displaying social status (as much as clothing, furniture, houses and so on)。 Documents circulating in the social elite were often very large, much larger than they needed to be to fit the text。 They could be items of conspicuous consumption with generous line spacing and mise-en-page, written on parchment or expensive paper and they were certainly items that could be displayed。

In the same vein, owning book collections had a pragmatic reason as one needed access to information perhaps because the owner was a scholar or an administrator。 Yet, book collections were also prestige items that were proudly displayed and that were a central feature of social status。 This was also true for organisations such as colleges (madrasas) that were endowed by wealthy individuals。 Setting up a ‘proper’ college meant that other buildings were included as well。 These could be a mosque, a mausoleum, a water fountain, a children’s school and also a library。 Yet, we also find written artefacts well beyond the social elites and the well-funded colleges。 As medieval Arabic societies were highly literate societies, the number of documents and the number of books owned by individuals of rather modest social standing is astonishingly high。

The high importance ascribed to written artefacts meant that they were also highly mobile objects。 With the death of the owner of a book collection we see that his books quickly make their way into new collections; with the decline of a college’s funds, we also observe that its book are routinely transferred to new owners。 Tracing these highly complex trajectories over many centuries and understanding the life-cycles of these written artefacts is one of the most fascinating areas of research in the moment。







With the adoption of paper as a relatively cheap writing material in the Middle East in the ninth and tenth century CE the use of the written word started to spread significantly。 More books were written on a wider array of topics (such as cooking books for instance) and more daily activities were accompanied by the production of written documents (such as keeping accounts)。 However, this was a gradual process that never completely replaced the importance of orality。 We see a decisive further step with the spread of endowed colleges in the region that was accompanied with the spread of children schools during the thirteenth century。 For instance, while large-scale libraries had existed before they were often situated in elite sites difficult to access for the wider populace, such as palaces。 Colleges, that generally came with libraries, were in contrast spread all over the urban topography。 In a town such as Cairo there existed dozens such colleges and access to the written word thus was significantly easier。 Reading sessions in such colleges were not only attended by scholars and students, but also by craftsmen, traders and even slaves。

This increased access to the written word also had an impact on pragmatic literacy, that is the use of the written word for day-to-day activities。 This change is evident in the kind of artefacts that we have today: For instance, in one of my

recent co-written articles

, we discussed a modest accounts from Syria, probably from the late 13th century。 What was astonishing is that we have here a trader of products as modest as fruit and legumes who kept a log book of his trading activities。 The increasing possibility to use written documents led in turn to the spread of more sophisticated financial instruments such as bills of exchange。 Arguably, in the fourteenth century the written word had penetrated society so deeply that it became increasingly difficult to participate in central cultural and economic activities by relying exclusively on orality。






Owning books was an important cultural practice and members of the elite took pride in building up large book collections。 It was only with the spread of the college in the thirteenth century that such book collections became accessible to wider audiences。 These book collections catered for the teaching needs at the college and covered a broad selection of topics。 We thus do not only have the religious canon in the fields of Koranic studies and law, but such book collections also included books of pre-Islamic poetry, mathematics, and medicine。 In fact, in one library that I studied the majority of titles were poetry books and other fields of knowledge played rather a secondary role。 At the same time, we find books on its shelves that would today be seen as religiously problematic。

This goes back to what Thomas Bauer has conceptualized as a culture of ambiguity in these societies。 In contrast to our modern perceptions, Middle Eastern cultures were neither marked by dogmatic religious norms that permit no nuance nor by a simple dominance of rationality。 Rather, there was a marked tolerance of ambiguity in the sense that the tendency to define absolute and uncontestable truths was not the prime motive in intellectual life。 Rather, there existed a willingness to look for ways to live with ambiguity and accept complexity。 The diverse content of medieval Arabic book collections are certainly a product of this tendency that could accommodate books well beyond an established canon。



由於檔案和書籍服務於不同的需求,寫作實踐也高度多樣化。在實用識字的背景下產生的檔案,如賬目,註定只能由少數人閱讀。因此,我們發現速記的做法在今天往往難以破譯,因為單詞被濃縮成單筆,而數字則以縮寫的方式書寫。這與人們通常認為的 “秘密程式碼 “無關,而只是一種有效的系統,以滿足小規模使用者的需要。



As much as documents and books served different needs, writing practices were highly diverse。 Documents produced in the context of pragmatic literacy, such as accounts, were destined to be read by few people only。 In consequence, we find shorthand practices that are today often difficult to decipher as words are condensed into single strokes and as numerals are written in abbreviated manner。 This has nothing to do with ‘secret codes’, as was often believed, but is simply an efficient system to cater for small groups of users。

A manuscript book was not just written (production context) and remained untouched thereafter。 Quite in contrast, ‘writing’ was often a continuous process where later manuscript users (usage context) also wrote in the book。 The first typical feature of usage context writings are manuscript notes that express ownership (‘this book belongs to…’), lending (‘I lent this book to…)’ and endowment (‘this book was endowed to college X by…’)。 The second typical feature were paratexts, that is text written into the margins of the book or between the lines in which a user comments the main text, corrects it, expands on it and so on。 Many manuscripts carry today as much paratext as they carry main text。 The scribe of the initial main text often left wide margins in the expectations that future users would employ that space for interacting with the text。 These notes and paratexts are particularly fascinating as they render each book a unique object that has its very own story to tell of owners, lenders, and readers。







At first glance, manuscripts look like rather arcane and difficult-to-access material。 Yet the more one studies them, the more they become fascinating as each of them is a unique object with its unique story to tell。 As most of my colleagues, I came rather by chance to manuscript studies。 There is not a single pathway into manuscript studies as it is by definition a highly- interdisciplinary field。 This is even more so the case with manuscript studies increasingly opening up to the sciences and to IT。 Thus it does not really matter what undergraduate degree you do as we have colleagues with a philological training, but also those with a background in fields such as physics。 Once you want to go into manuscript studies in more depth there are hardly any dedicated courses so you need a university or a department with at least some members of staff who focus on manuscripts。

In order to get a feel for the field read widely and do not just focus on one language or region。 Start with recent work such as Marina Rustow’s The lost archive。 Traces of a caliphate in a Cairo synagogue and Nandini Chatterjee’s Negotiating Mughal law。 A family of landlords across three Indian empires。 Particularly useful are comparative titles such as the open-access series

Studies in Manuscript Cultures

with titles such as

Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts


Fakes and Forgeries of Written Artefacts from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern China

When it comes to learning to read scripts, no university training can cover the skills you need。 Best is thus to take editions of documents and manuscripts and read the original text side-to-side with the print edition in order to get used to different hands。



