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你的“英語閱讀”真的“讀懂”英語She won the Nobel Prize了嗎?

2022-05-12由 英語老師覃冠平 發表于 農業


你的“英語閱讀”真的“讀懂”英語She won the Nobel Prize了嗎?

當你一直“堅持”只用中文“讀”並“讀懂”英文時,你的所謂的“英語閱讀”是完全失敗的:你根本不懂所謂的“英語閱讀”指的是什麼,更不懂“什麼樣”的英語閱讀才會讓你這個始終並一直處於“無後方依託作戰”(無任何英語語言環境下“學”英語,“用”英語)的“英語學習者”(If any at all)真正提高英語,而且能讓自己的英語在前述前提下“持續地活下去”:官話叫“英語學習的可持續性發展”和“終身英語學習能力”。

你的“英語閱讀”真的“讀懂”英語She won the Nobel Prize了嗎?



1。 The 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature

has been awarded to

the US poet Louise Glück “for her unmistakable poetic voice that with austere beauty makes individual existence universal。”

She is the first American

to win the prestigious award

since Bob Dylan was honored in 2016。 Toni Morrison was the last American to receive the prize before him, winning in 1993。

2。 The author of numerous collections of poetry, Louise Glück

is the recipient of the 2020 Nobel Prize

in Literature, served as a Chancellor for the Academy of American Poets, and twas the Library of Congress’s poet laureate consultant in

3。Louise Glück, an American poet long revered for the power, inventiveness and concision of her work and for her generosity to younger writers,

has won the Nobel Prize

in Literature。


你的“英語閱讀”真的“讀懂”英語She won the Nobel Prize了嗎?




The 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded to the US poet Louise Glück “for her unmistakable poetic voice


1。The author of numerous collections of poetry, Louise Glück is the recipient of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature

2。She is the first American to win the prestigious award

3。has won the Nobel Prize in Literature。

你的“英語閱讀”真的“讀懂”英語She won the Nobel Prize了嗎?


Okay。I got you。When we say Louise Glück is the recipient of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature, we can also say(it means) Louise Glück has been awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature,or Louise Glück has won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature

如果你的“英語閱讀”只會也只能把英語the recipient“翻譯”成中文“讀懂”,而不會也不能“翻譯”成award,win等同義詞“互為解釋”“互為理解”,或者它們之間任意互換,那麼,你的“英語閱讀”真的是徹頭徹尾失敗的,而且,你這樣的“英語閱讀”就算“讀得再多”,最終也逃不脫“啞巴英語”的“苦命”結局。

你的“英語閱讀”真的“讀懂”英語She won the Nobel Prize了嗎?

