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D10: All that glitters is not gold是什麼意思?

2022-05-02由 英語老師覃冠平 發表于 林業


D10: All that glitters is not gold是什麼意思?

用英語訓練英語:All that glitters is not gold

1) 先用純英語複習D9: Among the blind the one-eyed man is king還能說出多少英語?


D10: All that glitters is not gold是什麼意思?

2) 用英語學英語訓練:

What does it mean when you say:All that glitters is not gold?

1。 Okay。I got you。When we say:All that glitters is not gold,you mean:Something or someone may seem or look very attractive,but they are not always what it seems,or look, may not be as good or as valuable as they first appear/seem/look。

2。 Okay。I got you。When we say:All that glitters is not gold,you mean:The first impression may be very important,but it may not be telling a true story。

3。 Something glitters means Something is shining like gold。

D10: All that glitters is not gold是什麼意思?


A: I want to be a movie star when I grow up。

B: Film industry looks good from the distance, but it has its own problems。 Remember, all that glitters is not gold。


D10: All that glitters is not gold是什麼意思?
