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第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme

2022-01-05由 木衛二 發表于 漁業


第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme

The 9th Festival of German Cinema (China)


(I’m Your Man)




The 9th Festival of German Cinema (China) will be opening in Beijing on November 5, and I‘m Your Man, which was selected in the main competition of the Berlinale 2021 and will represent Germany in the international competition for the 2022 Oscar, will be the opening film。 the festival is organized by German Films together with co-organizers, the Goethe-Institut China and Broadway Cinema。The festival films will be shown at Beijing Broadway Cinematheque and Beijing Broadway Cinemas (APM) with special screenings and events hosted by our partners。



第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme


瑪麗亞· 施拉德

德國 | 2021年 | 劇情 | 103分鐘



Maria Schrader

Germany | 2021 | Drama | 103 min

In German,with English and Chinese subtitles


Alma is a scientist at the famous Pergamon Museum in Berlin。 In order to obtain research funds for her work, she is persuaded to participate in an extraordinary study。 For three weeks, she has to live with a humanoid robot tailored to her character and needs, whose artificial intelligence is designed to be the perfect life partner for her。 Alma meets Tom, a machine in human form in a class of its own, created solely to make her happy。 A comic-tragic tale about the questions of love, longing and what makes a human being human。


Berlin International Film Festival 2021

銀熊獎 最佳主角獎 瑪倫·艾格特

Winner of Best Acting Performance (Maren Eggert)


German Film Awards 2021


Winner of Best Feature Film

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme


埃裡克·弗裡德勒 / 坎皮諾

德國 | 2020年 | 紀錄片 | 120分鐘



Eric Friedler / Campino

Germany | 2020 | Documentary | 120 min

In German,with English and Chinese subtitles

維姆· 文德斯被認為是新德國電影運動的先驅之一,也是當代電影最重要和最有影響力的代表之一。這部紀錄片展示了關於文德斯前所未有的檔案材料,透過採訪講述了他與弗朗西斯· 福特· 科波拉、威廉· 達福、安迪· 麥克道爾、漢斯· 齊施勒、帕蒂· 史密斯和沃納· 赫爾佐格等同伴和藝術家們的非凡相遇,讓我們得以一窺這個時代最為才華橫溢的藝術家的生活和工作。

Wim Wenders is considered to be one of the pioneers of New German Cinema and is regarded internationally as one of the most important figures in contemporary cinema。 Marking his 75th birthday, “Wim Wenders, Desperado” is an intimate meditation on the work of a visionary who captured the zeitgeist of his generation。 The documentary provides an up-close, exceptional window into the artistic process and achievement of an incomparable filmmaker – an improvisator who approaches every shoot as a journey into the unknown。 Featuring never-before-seen material and exclusive encounters with Wenders and contemporaries such as Francis Ford Coppola, Willem Dafoe, Patti Smith and Werner Herzog, the film allows for a unique glimpse into the life and work of an exceptional artist。


Cannes International Film Festival 2020


Nominee of Cannes Classics

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme



德國 | 2021年 | 紀錄片 | 96分鐘



Enrique Sánchez Lansch

Germany | 2021 | Documentary | 96 min

In English and German with English and Chinese subtitles

《噪音交響曲》深入探尋了著名的英國音樂家和聲音研究員Matthew Herbert的聲音世界。這位藝術家用他從環境中記錄的聲音組成的作品,永久地打破了古典音樂和電子音樂的流派之間的界限,他挑戰著他的聽眾,開啟他們的耳朵去傾聽世界的聲音。我們將聽到我們從未聽到過的聲音。

A SYMPHONY OF NOISE delves into the sound worlds of celebrated British musician and soundresearcher Matthew Herbert。 While the artist permanently breaks the genre boundaries of classical and electronic music with his compositions of sounds he records from the environment, he challenges his audience to open their ears to the sound of the world: We are to hear as we have never heard before。


German Film Awards 2021


Winner of Best Sound

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme



德國 | 2020年 | 劇情 | 108分鐘



Johannes Naber

Germany | 2020 | Drama | 108 min

In German,with English and Chinese subtitles

1999年,德國情報機構BND的生物武器專家阿恩特· 沃爾夫,著迷於對伊拉克獨裁者薩達姆· 侯賽正在秘密生產大規模殺傷性武器的想法――儘管事實上,在一次聯合國視察任務期間,他和他的同事已經在全國範圍內搜尋了一遍,但沒有任何結果。沃爾夫被指派聽取一個新的情報來源的彙報,這讓一切都發生了改變。來自伊拉克的拉菲德· 阿爾萬正在尋求庇護,他的代號為“曲線球”。阿爾萬聲稱參與了伊拉克生物武器的製作――這是對危機重重的德國情報機構來說,是一次重大的獲取情報的機會。

The year is 1999。 Arndt Wolf, bio-weapons expert for the German intelligence service BND, is obsessed with the idea, that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is secretly producing weapons of mass destruction – despite the fact, that, in the course of a UN inspection mission, he and his colleagues had already scoured the whole country to no avail。 And except for him, nobody at his agency really seems to be interested in the theory of Saddam’s WMDs。 All of that chan¬ges, though, when Wolf is assigned to debrief a new intelligence source, Iraqi asylum seeker Rafid Alwan, codenamed “Curveball”。 Alwan claims to have taken part in the production of biologi¬cal weapons in Iraq – a major intelligence coup for the crisis-ridden German agency。


German Film Awards 2021


Winner of Outstanding Feature Film


Winner of Best Performance

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme


Carsten Rau

德國 | 2021年 | 紀錄片 | 94分鐘



Carsten Rau

Germany | 2021 | Documentary | 94 min

In German, French, English,with English and Chinese subtitles


Germany is turning away from nuclear power in 2022。 Yet the country’s nuclear nightmare goes on: with umpteen thousands of tonnes of radioactive waste and the hazardous dismantling of power plants which will take decades。


Riviera International Film Festival 2021


Nominee of Best Documentary

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme



德國 | 2021年 | 劇情 | 75分鐘



Eline Gehring

Germany | 2021 | Drama | 75 min

In German,with English and Chinese subtitles

33 歲的妮可是波斯裔德國人,自由而快樂,是她所負責的老年人中最受歡迎的護士。她與她的同事和最好的朋友,37 歲的羅莎享受著柏林的夏天。一場種族主義襲擊將自信的妮可那堅定的日常生活擊碎了。從醫院醒來的她意識到了自己似乎終究不是這其中的一份子。她被關於那次襲擊的零星記憶所不斷困擾著,妮可變得越來越孤立。羅莎不僅與她失去了一切聯絡,她所負責的老年病人們,也開始漸漸不再熟悉這個曾經如此幸福快樂的女人。

NICO (33), German-Persian, emancipated and happy, is the most popular geriatric nurse for her patients。 With her colleague and best friend ROSA (37), she enjoys the summer in Berlin。 A racist attack tears the self-confident NICO from her selfdetermined everyday life。Waking up in the hospital, she realizes that she doesn‘t seem to be a part of it after all。 Plagued by scraps of memories of the attack, NICO isolates herself more and more。 Not only does ROSA lose all relations to her, her patients also do not recognize the once so happy woman。


Max Ophüls Festival 2021


Winner of Best Actress

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme


德國 | 2020年 | 劇情 | 100分鐘



Franka Potente

Drama | 100 min

In English,with Chinese subtitles

40歲的馬文· 哈克斯在服刑十幾年後終於出獄了,他依然穿著他年少被捕時,同樣一身阿迪達斯運動服。他跳上滑板,向他那位於普通的美國小鎮克洛維斯的家滑去,可儘管過了那麼久,家鄉仍然沒有原諒馬文多年前那可怕的所作所為。但馬文已經準備好接受來自過往的餘波,不管這代價將是什麼……

Marvin Hacks (40) is skateboarding home after more than 17 years in prison in the same Adidas tracksuit he was wearing when he was arrested as a teenager。 He quickly finds out that, even after two decades, his small hometown has not forgotten the atrocity he committed, but Marvin is prepared to accept the repercussions of his past, whatever the cost。。。


German Film Awards 2021


Nominee of Best Cinematography

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme



德國 | 2021 年 | 劇情 | 105分鐘



Christian Schaefer

Germany | 2021 | Drama | 105 min

In German,with Chinese subtitles


17-year-old Paul likes strange things: stealth trails and abandoned buildings, whispered conversations and left-behind bags。 Besides that, he seems to be a young man without qualities。 His mysterious nature catches the eyes of his classmate Dala and his art-loving teacher Mr。 Bulwer, both seemingly driven by hidden desires。 Then a boy’s dead body is discovered in the forest…


Max Ophüls Festival 2021


Winner of Best Actor

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme



德國/奧地利 | 2020年| 紀錄片 | 98分鐘



Jens Meurer

Germany / Austria | 2020 | Documentary | 98 min

In English,with Chinese subtitles


This film shot on 35mm film, It‘s an invitation from the real world, ready to detoxify a modern audience immersed in electronic devices。 A maverick scientist saves the world’s last Polaroid factory just as Steve Jobs launches the first iPhone, rediscovering the formula for Polaroid。 It‘s also an interesting loser story, like a modern version of Don Quixote。

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme



德國 | 2021年 | 紀錄片 | 217分鐘



Maria Speth

Germany | 2021 | Documentary | 217 min

In German,with Chinese subtitles


MR。 BACHMANN AND HIS CLASS is an intimate documentary portraying the bond between an elementary school teacher and his students。 His unconventional methods clash with the complex social and cultural realities of the provincial German industrial town they live in。


Berlin International Film Festival 2021

銀熊獎 評審團獎 瑪利亞·施佩特

Winner of Silver Berlin Bear


German Film Awards 2021


Best Documentary (Gold), nominee of the Best Director

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme



德國 | 2021年 | 劇情 | 178分鐘



Dominik Graf

Germany | 2021 | Drama | 178 min

In German,with Chinese subtitles


Berlin, 1931。 Jakob Fabian works in the advertising department of a cigarette factory during the day and drifts through bars, brothels and artist studios with his wealthy friend Labude at night。 When Fabian gets to know the self-confident Cornelia, he manages to shed his pessimistic attitude for a brief moment。 He falls inlove。 But then he too falls victim to the great wave of layoffs, while Cornelia makes a career as an actress thanks to her boss and admirer。 An arrangement that Fabian finds difficult to come to terms with。 But it’s not just his world that is falling apart…


Berlin International Film Festival 2021


Nominee of Best Film


German Film Awards 2021


Best Feature Film (Silver), Best Camera (Gold), Best Editing (Gold)

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme



德國 | 2021 | 紀錄片 | 139分鐘



Salar Ghazi

Germany | 2021 | Documentary | 139min

In German,with Chinese subtitles

1988年1月,Birgit Scherzer的舞蹈 ”Keith “在民主德國首都柏林大劇院的表演,獲得了驚人的成功。這部舞蹈作品標誌著這位年輕編舞家的突破。《Keith》共由七名舞者共同表演。不到一年後,他們中的四個人都將離開東德,其中幾位,在進行為 ”階級敵人 “所舉辦的客串演出時逃跑了。這些舞者,大多數家境簡樸,被國家訓練成了頂級的表演者。作為藝術精英和民主德國的公眾形象代表者,他們被允許前往西方,使得他們得以將自己的光芒照得更遠更廣。他們依然留在東德的家人,是阻止他們叛逃的籌碼。時間逐漸推移到在80年代末,社會壓力逐漸增大。無人預料到,柏林牆即將倒塌,舞團成員們面臨著一個關鍵的決定:是留下還是離開。

In January 1988, Birgit Scherzer’s “Keith” is a phenomenal hit at the Komische Oper in Berlin, capital of the GDR。 The dance piece marks the young choreographer’s breakthrough。 Seven dancers perform in “Keith”。 Less than a year later, four of them – including Birgit herself - will have left the GDR, some of them fleeing during guest performances for the “class enemy”。These dancers, most of whom come from “modest” backgrounds, have been trained by the state to be top performers。 As an artistic elite and the public face of the GDR, they are allowed to travel to the West in order to shine their light far and wide。 Their familiesin the GDR are bargaining chips against their defecting。 At first, the creative atmosphere at the Komische Oper forms a protective shield against ideological strictures, but at the end of the 1980s the pressure increases。 In the months leading up to the fall of the Wall – an event that no one has foreseen – many ensemble members are faced with a crucial decision: to stay or to leave。


Berlin International Film Festival 2021


Perspektive Deutsches Kino

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme



2021 | 劇情 | 116分鐘



Franziska Stünkel

2021 | Drama | 116 min

In German,with Chinese subtitles


East Berlin, 1981。 The ambitious scientist Franz Walter is recruited by the State Security Service and sent on foreign assignment to West Germany。 He soon gets into trouble because of his increasingly critical attitude towards the system and is accused of espionage。


Munich Film Festival 2021


Winner of Best Screenwriting

第九屆德國電影節片單|Film Programme



德國 | 2020 | 劇情 | 135分鐘



Oskar Roehler

Germany | 2020 | Drama | 135 min

In German with Chinese subtitles

1967年,當22歲的萊納·維爾納·法斯賓德氣勢洶洶地出現在慕尼黑的 ”反劇院“的舞臺上,毫不客氣地奪取了劇院的演出權時,幾乎無人懷疑,這個厚顏無恥的傢伙,會成為戰後德國最重要的電影人之一。他熱情奔放的性格迅速吸引了一群由演員、自戀者和追隨者組成的忠實崇拜者。他彷彿感覺到了自己的壽命有限一般,幾乎瘋狂地,創作了一部又一部電影。法斯賓德激進地追求著他的個人創作理念,以及對社會和人的看法,‘在專業和私人方面,十分兩極分化。儘管早期遇到了挫折,但他的許多電影都在最為著名的電影節上取得了十分重要的獎項和成果,受到了觀眾、評論家和電影人的追捧,以及憎恨。他的憤怒,和對愛的渴望,以及他的自我剝削,同時也強加了給他周圍的人,使他成為最令人難忘和最激進的電影導演之一,一個怪異的天才。

When 22-year-old Rainer Werner Fassbinder storms the stage of the ‘Antitheater’ (Anti-Theatre) in Munich, 1967 and seizes the theatre production without further ado, nobody suspects this brazen nobody to become one of the most important post-war German filmmakers。 His passionate and driven character swiftly attracts a bunch of dedicated admirers made up of actors, narcissists and suitors。 As if he senses his limited life span, he almost frantically creates film after film。 While Fassbinder radically pursues his creative vision and views of society and people,he polarises professionally and privately。 Despite early setbacks, many of his filmsbreakthrough at the most renowned films festivals and are hailed and hated by audience, critics and fellow filmmakers。 His anger and his longing for love as well as his self-exploitation, which he also imposes on everyone around him, have made him the most memorable and radical film director, an enfant terrible。


German Film Awards 2021


Winner of Best Performance, nominee of the Best supporting actor, the best film music and best sound design



for the full list of 2021 German Film Awards