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2022-03-15由 快樂媽咪小C 發表于 畜牧業



An awkward coming of age:Wikipedia

coming of age: the time when a person reaches the age at which they have an adult‘s legal rights and responsibilities 成年;成人年齡

《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》要將王冠授予伊瑞瑟貝斯公主之前就有說到coming of age:




①Wikipedia was born 18 years ago today, when Jimmy Wales, a co-founder, typed “hello world” into a primitive web editor and clicked “publish”。 ②Now the world’s fifth most popular website, with 27bn words in 293 languages, is a crucial reference。 ③But fewer new people are joining up to edit it, as the work involves no pay and no management。 ④The dominance of phones is one reason。 ⑤When full-sized computers were the primary way to go online, popping over to Wikipedia to tinker with a pet topic was easy。 ⑥But as people start working exclusively on phones and tablets, that reduces the number who can comfortably edit Wikipedia。⑦ And its community sometimes struggles to welcome outsiders。 ⑧A discussion page on the issue states that a “lack of collaboration and ‘lone wolf’ culture repels new editors。” ⑨Like any other community online or off, Wikipedia must find a way to change and grow while keeping existing denizens happy。


①Wikipedia was born 18 years ago today, when Jimmy Wales, a co-founder, typed “hello world” into a primitive web editor and clicked “publish”。 ②Now the world’s fifth most popular website, with 27bn words in 293 languages, is a crucial reference。

editor除了表示“主編,編輯;社論撰寫人”,還表示“a computer program that allows you to change stored text or data 編輯程式”

crucial 至關重要的;關鍵性的

the world’s fifth most popular website: 指的就是Wikipedia,說一個網站最受歡迎,主要是根據這個網站的訪問量來判斷的,所以,不妨轉譯為“該網站的訪問量在全球排名第五”

reference 作名詞時可表示“參考書目”


18年前,維基百科的聯合創始人吉米威爾士(Jimmy Wales)在一個原始的網頁編輯器中輸入了“hello world”,然後點選“釋出”,維基百科就此誕生了。如今,維基百科用293種語言進行編寫,字數達到了270億,該網站訪問量在全球排名第五,是非常重要的參考工具書。

③But fewer new people are joining up to edit it, as the work involves no pay and no management。


④The dominance of phones is one reason。 ⑤When full-sized computers were the primary way to go online, popping over to Wikipedia to tinker with a pet topic was easy。⑥ But as people start working exclusively on phones and tablets, that reduces the number who can comfortably edit Wikipedia。

dominance :n。 優勢;統治;支配;翻譯時可以轉譯為動詞,“佔據主導地位”;

full-sized computers 全尺寸電腦,我想,這裡主要是想指“臺式電腦”吧?

pop 作動詞可表示“突然出現”,比如The menu pops up when you click twice on the mouse。 雙擊滑鼠,選單便會彈出來。


exclusively 僅僅,唯獨,跟only一個意思;




回到標題中的awkward的含義,從④⑤⑥句來看,出現了easy和comfortably, 因而標題中awkward主要是指“不輕鬆的,難應付的”。

⑦And its community sometimes struggles to welcome outsiders。⑧A discussion page on the issue states that a “lack of collaboration and ‘lone wolf’ culture repels new editors。”⑨Like any other community online or off,Wikipedia must find a way to change and grow while keeping existing denizens happy。

outsider 外人,外來者;這裡說的是新加入者,新人;

repel :vt。 排斥;擊退;抵制;使厭惡;使不愉快;

denizen :an animal, plant, or person that lives or is found in a particular place〔特定地區的〕動物,植物,棲息者,居民;同義詞inhabitant



