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每日一句英譯英:This was his swan song

2022-01-12由 英語老師覃冠平 發表于 畜牧業


每日一句英譯英:This was his swan song


訓練什麼?訓練你見到英語不要開口就問:中文是什麼?而是先問英語What does it means if you say。。。?的“英語思維”習慣。先自己用英語“想想”:我該說哪些英語?有我會說的英語嗎?

每日一句英譯英:This was his swan song

比如:This was his swan song。

1) Examples 資訊輸入:What does it mean?

1 This weekend‘s basketball game was his swan song as the team’s captain。

2。This movie turned out to be the swan song of the famous director。

3。He has decided to make this trip his swan song。

4。We didn‘t know that her performance last night was the singer’s swan song。

你可以“不懂”swan song的意思,但是看到“你懂”的英語時,你總該“懂”了吧?但是,明明“懂了”卻依然把它又翻譯成中文“才能懂”,說明你學英語學再多再久,最終也沒讓自己在語言之外培養任何學習好習慣。這正是我努力改變之處。

每日一句英譯英:This was his swan song

2)Meaning 用英語直接讀懂下面的英語嗎?

1。A swan sing is a person‘s final public performance or professional activity before retirement,or before death。

Okay。The final something呀!Got you。

2。 A swan song is the last work or last performance of a playwright(編劇), musician, actor, etc。, before his death=before he dies or his retirement=before he retires=stop working at the age of 60 for men。

Okay。The last something啊!Got it。

每日一句英譯英:This was his swan song

3) 資訊輸出:Okay.I got you.

1。Okay。I got you。If you say something is the swan song of someone,you mean it is the final work,the last work of this person before he dies,or before he retires。

2。Swan song


the last,or the final of something。

3。So, This weekend’s basketball game was his swan song as the team‘s captain


his weekend’s basketball game was his last or final game as the team‘s captain。

So,This movie turned out to be the swan song of the famous director


This movie turned out to be the last movie,or the final movie of the famous director before he died,or before he retired。

4。So,we can say Her performance last night was the singer’s swan song,we can also say Her performance last night was the singer‘s last or final show before she died,or before she retired。

也就是說,你既可以說swan song來跟人溝通swan song的意思,也可以用final,last跟人溝通swan song的意思:這正是用英語學英語換來的語言“本事”。
