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雙語說河南|以媒為橋、以武會友 中國武術如何“出圈”火到非洲?

2022-03-06由 大河網 發表于 林業


“I love Wushu (also known as martial arts), Henan and China!” At the Awarding Ceremony of the Large-scale Media Integration Event of “Chinese-African Kungfu Show” on the afternoon of November 23, Ali, one of the prize winners from Ethiopia who is now studying at Henan Polytechnic University, expressed his love for Chinese Wushu and culture。

“我愛武術,我愛河南,我愛中國!”11月23日下午,在“武術夢 中非情”大型融媒體活動頒獎儀式現場,來自河南理工大學的衣索比亞籍留學生阿里收穫了最佳競技獎,激動與開心之餘,他更對著鏡頭表達出對中國武術和中國文化的熱愛。


New form of China-Africa cooperation and exchanges becomes a hit

創新對外話語表達方式 中非合作交流形式“引爆”全網

Wushu, a sport with typical Oriental culture and characteristics, has been recognized and enjoyed by people all over the world, especially in Africa。 Central China‘s Henan province, one of the cradles of Chinese civilization, is a place where the brilliant Chinese Wushu culture originated。


雙語說河南|以媒為橋、以武會友 中國武術如何“出圈”火到非洲?

“2021 marks the last year of implementing the outcomes of the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation since the new round of forum will be held in Senegal, co-chair of the forum。 Under the guidance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and the General Administration of Sport of China, Henan and China Media Group co-hosted the ’Chinese-African Kungfu Show‘。” Liu Bao, head of the Division of Asian and African Affairs, the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee, told dahe。cn, by exploring new form of China-Africa cooperation and exchanges, the event provided a platform to Chinese and African Wushu enthusiasts for exchange and demonstration, aiming to show ’the brilliant culture with Chinese characteristics, spirit and wisdom‘, promote mutual learning between China and Africa, serve the overall interests of China-Africa friendship and cooperation and make contributions to building a closer China-Africa community with a shared future。

“今年恰逢落實中非合作論壇北京峰會成果收官之年,新一屆論壇會議將在非方共同主席國塞內加爾舉行。在外交部、國家體育總局的大力支援和指導下,我省與中央廣播電視總檯共同舉辦‘武術夢 中非情’大型融媒體活動。”河南省委外辦亞非大處處長劉寶在接受記者採訪時表示,活動透過創新對外話語表達方式和中非合作交流形式,以媒為橋、以武會友、以文載道,為中國和非洲各國武術愛好者提供交流展示平臺,展現“具有中國特色、體現中國精神、蘊藏中國智慧的優秀文化”,推動中非文明交流互鑑,服務中非友好合作大局,為助力打造中非更加緊密的命運共同體作出河南貢獻。

It took almost one year to plan, prepare and host the event, with a series of activities carried out and 9 promotional videos such as Shaolin Kungfu and Taijiquan (also known as Tai Chi) produced。 More than 500 Wushu enthusiasts from nearly 30 African countries, including Senegal, Cameroon and Zambia, submitted their videos。 Promoted by CCTV’s special programs, 4 live broadcasts and other new media platforms, the event received wide attention in China and Africa。 Up to now, the total number of hits on different media platforms has reached almost 100 million。

大河網記者獲悉,“武術夢 中非情”大型融媒體活動從策劃籌備到啟動舉辦將近一年,成功開展了“宣傳片聯播”“短影片徵集”“央視大屏特別節目”“四場新媒體直播”等多項活動,攝製併發布《少林功夫》《太極拳》等9部系列宣傳片,來自塞內加爾、喀麥隆、尚比亞等非洲近30個國家500多名武術愛好者習武短影片投稿,並透過央視大屏特別節目、四場新媒體現場直播及各大新媒體平臺不斷推升中非武術交流熱度,受到中非媒體和民間廣泛關注。截至目前,各媒體平臺全網點選量將近1億。

To be an envoy of China-Africa friendship

做中非友好使者 推動中非文明交流互鑑

Atotal of 449 individuals and organizations won the prizes of the event。

“武術夢 中非情”大型融媒體活動共評出最佳競技獎114個,最佳展示獎260個、最佳組織獎55個。

雙語說河南|以媒為橋、以武會友 中國武術如何“出圈”火到非洲?

“I have been learning Taijiquan for almost one year。 I am very happy to participate in this event and become a prize winner。” Ali told dahe。cn that practicing Taijiquan made him very comfortable and enhanced communication and friendship with his Chinese friends。 “I will teach my fellow villagers to practice Taijiquan and become an envoy of China-Africa friendship。”


Feng Anda, a sophomore at Henan Polytechnic University, has been practicing Taijiquan for 5 years。 “Through the event, I have fostered a deeper understanding of the significance of Chinese Wushu and Henan‘s Taiji culture in international exchanges。” Feng Anda said that Taijiquan is a sport inheriting Chinese Kungfu, culture and essence, so he will further improve his techniques while inheriting and carrying forward the Taiji culture and traditional Chinese culture。


The promotional videos were debuted at the awarding ceremony。 Wonderful performances of Shaolin Kungfu, Taijiquan and traditional African dance were also staged by African students from Zhengzhou University, Henan University and Henan Polytechnic University and students from Shaolin Temple Wushu Training Center。

儀式上還進行了“武術夢 中非情”大型融媒體活動主題宣傳片全球首播,鄭州大學、河南大學、河南理工大學的非洲留學生和河南嵩山少林寺武術館學員聯袂獻上了少林功夫、太極拳、非洲傳統舞蹈等精彩演出。

責編:趙惜辰 稽核:姜秋霞
