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2022-03-11由 定幫龜盟 發表于 漁業





龜是一種常見的水陸兩棲性動物。它在我國主要分佈於長江流域以及以南的水域中,是爬行類動物的典型代表。它身體形態通常呈長圓而扁,背部隆起,有堅硬的殼, 四肢短,趾有蹼,頭、尾和四肢通常能縮入甲殼內。它主要吃魚蝦等動物和水果、蔬菜等植物;雌雄體內交配受精,透過卵繁衍後代;活動緩慢,壽命很長。

這 就是龜給人的第一印象。朦朧、膚淺、簡單。隨著經濟發展和社會進步,人工養龜業逐步興起。龜成為人們茶餘飯後、街談巷議的一個話題。當然,大家最大的興趣 是龜的市場價格以及透過養龜創造財富的神話,其實他們只看到龜的價值的一個方面,而且還不是主要方面。龜的價值是多方面的,只有全面認識龜的價值,才能真 正做一個知龜愛龜的養龜人。





龜 是一種非常古老且進化得嚴重特化的動物,被人們譽為“活化石”。根據古生物學研究,龜是與恐龍同時代的爬行類動物,它出現在魚類和兩棲類動物之後,鳥類和 哺乳動物之前,大約是在2.5億年前的二疊紀時代。龜雖然是陸生脊椎動物,但是屬於動物由水生向陸生進化過渡的動物。就這一點就讓其極具科學研究價值。

在 龜類漫長的時代更替生死輪迴中,由於地質活動和氣候變化,分佈在不同地理位置和環境中的龜,經過億萬年物競天擇,透過遺傳和變異,適者生存,繁衍得五花八 門、各具千秋。有的遷移到大海里,成為海龜;有的棲息到江河、湖沼中,成為水棲性龜類;有的完全生活在陸地上,成為陸龜。

海 龜和陸龜只佔龜類中一小部分,種類和數量更多的是水陸兩棲類的淡水龜。其中烏龜適應性強,數量較多,最為人們所熟悉。像烏龜、三線閉殼龜、黃喉擬水龜、黑 頸龜等龜類生性喜愛群居,在野外常棲息在河川、湖泊、池沼和溪流或岸邊潮溼的草地上,以小魚蝦、蠕蟲、螺及嫩草為食,有時也會爬到農田活動,其中山下頜呈 鷹嘴狀的平胸龜,在夏季能攀巖附壁、上樹捕捉小鳥,顯得非常活躍。大多數龜類不耐既不耐寒也不耐熱,但是他們利用其獨特的生理構造通過冬眠度過嚴寒,透過 夏眠消暑度夏,甚至透過日眠長時間抗拒飢餓。

龜 最顯著的特點是生命週期長,而且充滿神奇。根據專家分析,壽命最長的龜年齡達1千歲。通常以下兩種方式計算和判斷龜齡:一是依據龜的重量推算。同等重量的 龜,野生龜的年齡是人工養殖龜的4倍,生長在北方的龜是南方的2倍。二是透過觀察龜殼推算。在龜背盾片上具有樹輪圈狀,每年冬季停止生長就呈一個圈。







根據近20年生產實踐,龜類人工養殖創造和極大豐富了水產養殖生產技術。按照產品性質不同,龜類人工養殖生產技術由種龜培育、龜苗繁育和商品龜養殖技術構 成;按照生產方式不同,龜類人工養殖生產技術由密養、混養和輪養技術組成;按照生產模式不同,龜類人工養殖技術分為溫室全人工、室內仿生態、天然全生態養 殖技術;按照生產時間和目的,龜類人工養殖技術由長期、中期、短期養殖技術組成;按照生產經營全過程,龜類人工養殖生產技術由營養飼料投餵、藥物防病治 病、產品質量安全、防火防盜放敵害技術構成。

萬 變不離其宗。龜類人工養殖技術就是將傳統與現代水產養殖理論和實用生產技術與龜類的實際情況相結合,創造出具有鮮明龜類特點的龜類人工養殖技術,是傳統 “八字養魚經”和現代水產養殖技術的延伸。該技術指導思想和路線豐富和發展了水產養殖理論和實踐,而且還在不斷創新和發展當中。




龜 類是生物,是資源,透過投資和商業開發即人工繁養殖就轉化為商品,商品透過市場交換就能實現投資的保值增值,這是龜類的商業價值或金融屬性。其實,過去人 們捕捉、販運和買賣野生龜也是為了謀利,隨著野生龜資源日益稀少和匱乏,人們將觸角延伸到龜類人工養殖上,龜類人工養殖的地位和作用凸顯出來。

人們積極發展龜類人工養殖,其中一個主要原因是看到發展龜類養殖能給他們帶來豐厚的投資回報。龜類極具有商業投資價值,一是品質優良,具有食用藥用保健價 值;二是數量稀少,許多品種處於珍稀、瀕危狀態;三是可再生性,即成功實現人工繁殖,具有實現擴大再生產的客觀條件。尤其是當經濟高速增長和通貨膨脹出現 的時候,龜類養殖專案的投資保值增值作用就更吸引人。發展龜類人工養殖,投資靈活,成本較低,佔用空間小,飼養機動,管理方便,最適合家庭室內陽臺、天台 或室外庭院養殖,是夫妻生意,無論是從事種龜培育、龜苗繁育還是商品龜養成,只要盡心盡力就一定能夠取得收穫,且不會讓你失望。

例如一位資深專業養龜者根據他的親身經歷,說了這樣一番頗具見地的話, 龜真能招財進寶,是財富的象徵,一是把龜養大能賺錢,龜一天天一年年長大,體重不斷增加,即便市場價格保持穩定,它也會給你帶來較高的回報;二是把龜養小 也賺錢,隨著龜性成熟進入繁殖期,它每年透過繁衍後代,也能給你不斷創造新的價值;三是即便不長期持有,利用市場價格波動透過買賣也能賺點小錢。但是力不 到不為財,要想獲得超預期收益就一定要沉得住氣,有耐心,守得雲開見日出,透過自己長時間辛勤勞動才能求得難以想象的回報。





創造物質財富需要一個適合家庭的生產經營專案,而發展養龜就是一個相當不錯的選擇。因為養龜是精細作業,規模可大可小,而最佳養殖模式是家庭養殖,普通人家 將家庭的前庭後院、陽臺天台等空閒地方利用起來稍加加工就是一個微型養龜場,可控性強,同時利用業餘時間打理,大幅度節省了人工和管理成本。發展家庭養龜 夜,首先是能夠創造財富,改善家庭物質生活條件,其次是在發展家庭養龜的時候,夫妻就有了共同奮鬥目標和思想語言,一起學習、交流養殖技術和管理方法,在 共同勞作的基礎上增進了夫妻感情。在物質文明充分發展的基礎上,建設出來的精神文明才是可靠的、牢固的和長久的。





龜 與我國傳統的飲食文化源遠流長,例如我國長江、珠江流域一帶的居民一直把龜作為營養滋補食品,而且已經成為傳統和習慣,龜肉被稱為“八卦肉”、“龜身五味 肉”,就是說龜肉中含有牛、羊、豬、雞、魚等五種肉品的營養和味道。這是由龜類的生理特點決定的,一是它食性雜,二是它生長慢,春來秋往,風吹雨打,其體 內富積了大量營養要素。根據現代科學分析,龜肉中含有蛋白質,脂肪,糖類,維生素B1、B2,煙酸,鈣質和角蛋白等,其中蛋白質遠高於牛、羊、豬,而脂肪 卻低於雞、魚,龜是一種非常典型的高蛋白、低脂肪食物。

龜 全身都是寶,期望最大限度獲得龜的食用營養價值,首先要掌握宰殺龜技巧,既要保證龜身、龜殼的完整,而能以少流血或不流血為最佳。例如,大家通常運用的淨 龜法就是最佳方法。先將龜置於盆中,以清水淹沒龜體2/3,不投餵飼料,每天換水兩次,3天其體內糞便自行排淨,用刷子洗淨龜體,利用開水燙,之後全龜下 鍋煲燉煮。其次要掌握龜類最佳菜式做法。例如原只清燉龜。將透過淨水法宰殺的龜猛火下油泡1分鐘;走油後,同茯苓、桂圓肉、薑片一起放入鍋中,加入足夠的 清水,文火再燉5小時;將走過油的竹死雞或豬瘦肉加入,再燉1小時,加入芝麻油、鹽、料酒和味精等調料。若是老龜,則燉爛為止,以龜肉燉爛、湯呈奶狀為 佳。該法制作出來的龜類菜式,肉質細嫩、滋味醇美、味道鮮甜、風味獨特,稱得上菜品中的上品、精品、絕品。





查 閱中國古代中醫典籍,最早將龜作為藥用的記載是2000多年前戰國時代的《山海經》,我國第一本中藥專著東漢的《神農本草經》對龜的藥用作了詳細的記述, 最全面論述龜的藥用保健價值的是明朝著名藥物學家李時珍,他在其專著《本草綱目》中對龜類的藥理、藥性作了最系統的論述。可見,龜作為藥用歷史之悠久和保 健養生價值之高。

根據傳統中醫藥理論,龜無論是肉還是血、甲殼主要具有藥物保健功能。每當身體出現與其相關的症狀時,都可在中醫藥理論指導下,或服用以其為主要成份的中成藥 進行治療,或食用以其為主要食材的藥膳進行調理;假如身體沒有出現與之相關的不適症狀,不時進食龜類藥物和膳食也能取得養生的效果。

龜 類主要功效是清熱涼血和滋陰補虛,具有抗癌、解毒、消炎、益肝和補腎作用,傳統中醫將其入藥製成一系列古方正藥以治療癌症、炎症和虛弱之症,將其作為補品 原材料製成保健品以全面提高人體免疫力、消除疲勞、改善睡眠、調養身心以及益腎補水等,尤其是對追求高品質生活者,長期服用可起到延緩衰老、滋養容顏的作用。





龜生性愚鈍、怯懦,行動緩慢、笨拙,憨態可掬,一遇到攻擊或驚嚇就立即將頭、四肢縮排殼內,毫無反抗能力,而這一點卻更加襯托出其可愛的形象。強弱不再一時 而在最終結果。當它伸展四肢,昂首翹望,炯然熠熠的小眼睛中就會透出一絲絲靈氣、慧氣、神氣;當它趴伏靜思,默然獨處,渾身上下就散發出來自極其遙遠的遠 古的呼喚;當它遊弋與水中,悠然自得,流露出的是它的聰慧與靈敏的天賦稟性。億萬年來,任歲月流逝,滄海桑田,多姿多彩的龜類一直馱負著厚重的甲殼,以其 淳樸的氣質,儒雅的體態,流暢的體形,悄無聲息地向人們展示著它經久不衰的魅力,讓人為之迷戀、傾倒、難以忘懷.

龜是地球上進化得近乎特化的一類非常古老的動物。在日常飼養過程中,5天 餵它一次,它業毫無怨言;每天都餵它,它也毫無謝意;您給它一個箱,它就把箱視作家;您因繁忙忽視了它的存在,它也不會抗議,而是耐著性子,靜靜地等待。 龜這種寵辱不驚、隨遇而安和甘於寂寞的生存之道,是否值得現代人推崇和效仿呢?現代人是否也應該在騷動的現實當中尋覓到一份安逸和清靜呢:

龜從2.5億 年前一直頑強地走到今天,向人們展現著它迥然不同、異乎尋常的習性魅力。生活在紛繁浮躁社會中的人們,獲取能從龜的外形、習性和性情中悟出一點人生哲學, 或許我們的漫漫人生之路最缺乏的就是這樣一位朋友吧。愛龜吧,讓我們與龜一起慢慢成長、慢慢享受、慢慢變老,走完一生。這就是龜的休閒觀賞價值。





以 龜為素材而流傳下來的詩歌、散文、辭賦等形式的文藝作品散見於各類古籍當中,為人類的文化藝術寶庫增添了燦爛的光輝。我國古代第一部詩歌總集《詩經》中涉 及龜的有十幾處,例如“……乘彼垝垣,以望復關。不見覆關,泣涕漣漣。既見覆關,載笑載言。爾卜爾筮,體無咎言。以爾車來,以我賄遷。……”(《國風· 氓》)、“我龜既厭,不我告猶”(《小雅·小旻》)、“爰始爰謀,爰契我龜;曰止曰時,築室於滋”(《大雅·綿》);東漢建安文學領軍人物曹操在其樂府詩 歌名篇《龜雖壽》中詠到“神龜雖壽,猶有竟時。螣蛇乘霧,終為土灰。老驥伏櫪,志在千里;烈士暮年,壯心不已。盈縮之期,不但在天;養怡之福,可得永年。幸甚至哉,歌以詠志”;北齊趙宗孺的“有靈堪託夢,無心自解謀”等,都為龜留下了詩文名篇佳句。

龜是人類文明的源泉之一,圖騰、寓言、雕塑、青銅飾、瓦當、石刻、郵票、錢幣等文化形式都留下了龜的倩影;人們賦予龜長壽、吉祥、富貴的美好形象;當人們描 繪長壽、吉祥寓意時,總是將龜與鶴、竹、蝙蝠等動植物並駕齊驅,龜與其它動植物組合共同營造的意境以及龜因習性、性情而產生的魅力,形成了其精神之美。龜 集色、形、精神於一體,是原始美、現代美和綜合美的和諧辨證統一。




Know the tortoise love - let‘s do a turtle

Turtle is a common amphibious animals。It mainly distributed in our country and the waters of the south of Yangtze river basin, it is a typical representative of the reptiles。Its body shape is usually a long and flat, the back bulge, have hard shell, short limbs, webbed toes, head, tail and limbs can often shrink into the inside of the shell。

It is mainly to eat fish and shrimp and other fruits, vegetables and other plants and animals;The male and female in vivo fertilization mating, egg reproduction;Activity is slow, long service life。

This is the tortoise first impression to the person。Hazy, superficial, simple。With economic development and social progress, the artificial raising turtles industry gradually rise。Turtles become people to dinner, to draw a topic。, of course, everybody’s biggest interest is the tortoise market prices and by raising turtles myth to create wealth, they actually see only the value of the turtle one aspect, but also is not the main aspect。The value of the turtle is various, only fully realize the value of the turtle, can really know is to do a tortoise love a turtle。

One, scientific research value

Biology is a large category of natural science。The subject is the study of organisms at all levels types, structure, function, behavior, development and origin of evolution and the relationship between the organism and the surrounding environment such as the relationship between science and the surrounding environment such as science。

According to the research object, it is divided into zoology, botany, microbiology, etc。;According to the research content, divided into taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, genetics, ecology, etc。Biology derived from natural history, has experienced the experimental biology, molecular biology and enters a period of systems biology。The turtle is best to carry out research in biological science specimens。

Turtle is a very old and have evolved specialized animal seriously, was praised as a “living fossil”。Is the tortoise, according to a study in paleontology, contemporary reptiles dinosaurs, it appeared after the fish and amphibians, birds and mammals, is about 250 million years ago in the Permian age。Although turtle is terrestrial vertebrates, but belong to animals from aquatic to terrestrial evolution animals。At this point let its extremely high scientific research value。

In turtle long era of change in the samsara, due to the geological activity and climate change, distributed in different geographical location and environment of turtle, after one hundred million years of natural selection, by heredity and variation, the survival of the fittest, reproduce it in all sorts of eight doors, each has its art。Some migrate to the ocean, become a sea turtles;Some live in the rivers and lakes, become aquatic turtle;Some live entirely on land, become a tortoise。

Sea turtles and tortoises make up only a small turtle class, type and quantity is more of the amphibious amphibian freshwater turtles。The tortoise adaptable, quantity is more, most people are familiar with。Like the tortoise, three line cuora, yellow throat to water turtle, black neck turtle turtle an instinctive pleasure in their group, in the field often perched on the Banks of rivers, lakes, ponds and streams or wet grass, fish, shrimp, worms, snails, and the tender grass for food,

sometimes climb up to the farmland, including mountain mandible chick shaped flat chest tortoise, in the summer can rock climbing attached to the wall, to catch the bird on the tree, is very active。Most turtles don‘t neither cold nor hot resistance, but they use their unique physical structure through the weather cold, through the ’summer summer, even by day, sleep for a long time to resist hunger。

One prominent feature of the turtle is life cycle is long, and is full of magic。According to expert analysis, the life expectancy of the turtle chitose age 1。Usually the following two ways to calculate and determine longevity: one is based on the weight calculation of turtle。An equal weight of turtle, wild turtle‘s age is 4 times of farmed turtle, growth in the north of the turtle is 2 times of the south。The second is shell calculated by observation。Has a tree in the scutellum of curvature of the rims, every winter stop growing in a circle。

Besides social and long life characteristics, turtle also has an important guiding function, is mainly refers to the turtles, like homing pigeons, it can timing designated long reproductive, growth, migration, let a person was amazed。

A turtle is biological encyclopedia, a feature is a professional, a detail is a technology, extensive and profound, infinite mystery。For professional researchers or lovers, who owns a turtle who is in his hand a key to open the door biological scientific research, this is one of the value of a turtle。

Second, the production technology of value

With the development of aquaculture, aquatic products market supply and demand in China even all over the world total basic balance local supply exceeds demand, appear even short-term profit space greatly narrowed, that encounter bottlenecks in the development of this industry, needs a new growth point, to stimulate the development of the industry, special aquaculture including turtles, artificial breeding is a new bright spot。

Root according to nearly 20 years of production practice, turtle farmed creation and greatly enriched the aquaculture production technology。According to the nature of the product is different, turtle farmed production technology by the turtle breeding, GuiMiao breeding and commodity structure into a turtle breeding technology;According to the different production mode and turtle farmed production technology by close breeding, collection and alternate culture technology;

According to the different production mode, turtle artificial breeding technology into greenhouse, indoor imitation ecological, natural ecological breeding technology;According to the production time and purpose, turtle artificial breeding technology consists of long-term, medium-term and short-term breeding technology;According to the production and operation process, turtle farmed production technology by the feed nutrition feeding, drug prevention cure disease, product quality and safety, fire alarm DiHai technologies。Plus ca change。

Turtle artificial breeding technology is the theory of traditional and modern aquaculture and practical production technology combined with the actual situation of turtle, turtle creates a distinct characteristic of turtle artificial breeding technology, is a traditional collectors “eight” and the extension of modern aquaculture technology。The technology route of guiding ideology and enriched and developed the aquaculture of theory and practice, but also in constant innovation and development。

Third, the value value

Turtle is biological, resources, investment and business development by artificial numerous farming into commodities, goods through the market exchange can realize the investment value, this is the tortoise commercial value or financial attributes。Actually, in the past people capture, trafficking and sale of wild turtle is also in order to profit, with the wild turtle resources become scarcer and scarce, and people will reach to the artificial breeding tortoise, turtle farmed status and role。

People develop turtle farmed, one of the main reason is that saw the turtle aquaculture can bring their lucrative return on investment。Tortoise has business investment value, one is of good quality, with edible medicinal health value;2 it is rare, many varieties in the rare and endangered status;3 it is renewable, the successful implementation of artificial breeding, has expanded reproduction objective conditions。Especially when the high economic growth and inflation comes at a time when the turtle breeding project investment value function is more attractive。

Development of turtle farmed, flexible investment, low cost, small footprint, feeding motor, convenient management, the most suitable for family indoor balcony, roof, or outdoor backyard, is husband and wife business, whether it is engaged in the turtle breeding, GuiMiao turtle breeding or goods form, as long as committed will be able to get harvest, and won’t let you down。

For example, a senior person according to his experience, professional pet turtle said such a considerable insight, tortoise do a thriving business, is a symbol of wealth, one is to put the turtle can raise money, tortoise grew up day by day year, increasing body weight, even if market prices remained stable, it will bring you higher returns;

The second is the turtle have little money, as the turtle sexual maturity enter the breeding season, each year through reproduction, also can give you constantly create new value;Three, use if not hold for a long time, the market price fluctuations by buying and selling also can earn some money。But not to not for gain, if you want to get more than expected earnings will sink, patient, and keep a have a calm, through long time hard work can be hard to imagine。

Four, the family harmony value

The family is the cell of the society, is the most basic form of social organization and functional unit。Family harmony happy, healthy and progressive atmosphere requires material conditions as support。Read the famous tang dynasty poet masterpiece “sent sorrow bosom” “one sent sorrow bosom old joke behind him, today is to the eyes。Garments have been imposed on, needle still not open。Still want to old flow as servants and Ceng Yinmeng send money。

Honestly I hate people who have known this, poor couples Pepsi sorrow。”Let a person feel a lot。Open the door seven matter, daily necessities sauce vinegar tea, every family has a difficult to read。Money is the most difficult to read。Spiritual life to use material for the foundation, if even in eating, two couples talk about what love love?

Need to create material wealth for a family production and operation of the project, and develop a turtle is a quite good choice。Because a turtle‘s fine, but can small scale, and the best breeding mode is farming family, ordinary people will family of vestibular backyard, balcony roof leisure places such as using up a little bit processing is a small turtle field, controllability is strong, the use spare time to do at the same time, greatly saving the labor and management cost。

Development of household to turtle Night, the first is the ability to create wealth and improve family conditions of material life, followed by the development of family pet turtle, husband and wife have a common goal and thought, the language, learn together, communication technology and management methods, on the basis of working together to improve the relationship。On the basis of full development of material civilization, the construction of spiritual civilization is reliable, stable and lasting。

Five, the consumption of nutritional value

Turtle is delicious food, banquet of treasures, and has a high consumption of nutritional value。

Turtle and the traditional food culture has a long history in our country, such as the Yangtze river and zhujiang river area in our country residents kept tortoise as nutrition nourishing food, and has become a tradition and custom, meat is called “gossip” meat, “turtle body mixed meat”, is contained in meat cattle, sheep, pigs, chicken, fish, etc。

Five kinds of nutrition and flavor of meat。This is determined by the physiological characteristics of the tortoise, is it eat miscellaneous, second, it grows slow, spring to autumn, the wind and rain, accumulated a lot of rich nutrition elements within their bodies。

According to the modern scientific analysis, meat contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin B1, B2, niacin, calcium and keratin, which protein is far higher than that of cattle, sheep, pigs, and the fat is lower than chicken, fish, turtle is a very typical high protein, low adipose food。Turtle body is treasure, wish to gain maximum turtle food nutrition value, must first master turtle slaughter skill, should not only guarantee the tortoise shell body, the full, and with less bleeding or bleeding is the best。For example, people often use the net tortoise method is the best way。

First the turtle in the basin, water flooded the turtle body two-thirds, don’t feed the feed, to change water twice a day, 3 days faeces inside its body on its own net, wash the turtle body, with the brush with scalding water, after the turtle The pot boil stew。Second best dishes to master turtle。For example, only the original stewed turtle。

Will through the clean water act of slaughter turtle under high flame oil soak 1 minute;Go after oil, with poria cocos, longan pulp, ginger together into the pot, add enough water, slow fire for 5 hours;Oil will through the bamboo dead chicken or pig lean lean, for 1 hour, add sesame oil, salt, cooking wine and MSG seasoning。If the old tortoise, boiled up so far, meat stew rotten, creamy soup is preferred。The turtles made dishes, meat is tender, sweet taste, unique flavor, taste full-bodied, be called food in the first grade, high-quality goods, belly。

Six, medical health care value

Little shell turtle meat, compared to the food nutrition value, tortoise medicinal value especially the health care keeping in good health is more prominent role。

Check read classics of traditional Chinese medicine in ancient China, the first turtle as a medical record is the warring states period of more than 2000 years ago the shanhaijing, our country the first Chinese medicine monographs of the eastern han dynasty “cold-induced febride medicinal gave a detailed account of turtle,

the tortoise medical care value in detail is the Ming dynasty famous pharmacologist li shizhen, he in his book” compendium of materia medica “pharmacology, medicinal properties of turtles were described in the system。Visible, turtle as a medical history of long and protect health of health preservation value is high。

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, tortoise both flesh and blood, the carapace main drugs and health care function。Whenever the body with related symptoms, can be under the guidance of TCM theory, or to take it as the main ingredients of proprietary Chinese medicine treatment, or eat it as the main ingredients of the medicinal food to regulate;If the body does not appear related symptoms, from time to time to eat turtle drug and diet can also achieve the effect of preserve one‘s health。

Turtle main efficacy of excess or insufficiency of Yin and blood heat, cool, anti-cancer, detoxification, diminish inflammation and liver and kidney function, the traditional Chinese medicine to the medicine made a series of viewpoints are medicine to treat cancer, inflammation and disease of weakness, as a supplement Materials and health products to improve human immunity, eliminate fatigue, improve sleep, aftercare and kidney filling water of body and mind, especially for the pursuit of high quality life, long-term use can have the effect of anti-aging, nourish the appearance。

Seven, leisure ornamental value

Fast pace of modern society, people life pressure big, to alleviate and release, in order to maintain the balance of subjective world and the inner and outer objective world, to achieve the purposes of health, the tortoise is just suitable for meet the needs of the people leisure, entertainment and ornamental。It lets people find spiritual, leisure time, watch carefully, carefully, carefully taste, can achieve the effect of artislic way, borrow scene lyrical。

Turtle was dull, cowardice, slow, clumsy, darling, as soon as I met attack or frightened indented head, arms and legs inside the shell, there is no resistance ability, but that’s more foil out the lovely image。Strength is no longer at that time and in the final result。When it stretch out their legs, head scaned, but rather in yi yi‘s small eyes would have a touch of reiki, hui qi, look;

When it lay down meditation, silent solitude, body will radiate from very far far away from the ancient call。When it swimming and water, carefree, reveal it is intelligent and sensitive temperament。For eons, as time goes by, things change, colorful, turtles always carry negative with heavy shell with simple temperament, elegant posture, smooth shape, quietly to show its enduring charm, let a person infatuation, dumping, unforgettable。

Turtle is evolved on earth almost specialized kind of very ancient animals。In the process of daily feeding, feeding time, five days without complaint it industry;Every day to feed it, it also has no gratitude;You give it a box, it took the box as writer;You ignore it because of busy, it doesn’t protest, but sit quietly waiting。Turtle this yourself, settling and content to lonely survival, whether it is worth promoting and modern to follow?Whether modern humans should also in the reality of commotion found a comfortable and quiet?

Tortoise walk from 250 million years ago have been doggedly to today, to show people it is very different, unusual habits。Blundering in numerous and complicated social life of the people, can obtain from the appearance of the tortoise, habits and the temperament that philosophy of life, perhaps our long life road lack most is such a friend。Love turtle, let us grow together with the turtle slowly, slowly to enjoy and grow old, through life。This is the tortoise leisure ornamental value。

Eight, literary, and artistic value

Flower-and-bird insect fish through including turtles to is the subject of literary and artistic creation, can enter the poem show, object is the acura letters and painted。

To come down for material in the form of poetry, prose and fu literature referring to all kinds of ancient books, for human culture and art treasure house added a brilliant light。The first anthology of poetry in ancient China involved in the book of songs and the turtle has a dozen, for example ”。。。Take 1 pet Gui walls to rejoin the gatt。

Weep not rejoin the gatt, cried lian lian。Both see rejoin the gatt, laugh load。Er BuEr divinatory,; body without blame。By car, by my bribes……。“(” huai DE for self-protection“), ”I turtle, don‘t I accused of“ (” lesser, small min “), ”hence beginning hence, hence I turtle deed;Stop yue yue, build room in zi “(” jedaiah, continous“);Xiping elegant literature leader cao cao in the song poems ”the turtle is life,“ xu to ”god turtle is life, when the children of judah have unexpectedly。

End for dusty Teng snake by fog。Li-an, your costraint;Martyrs twilight, hero。Surplus shrinkage of time, not only in the day;A diet of blessing, available YongNian。’to zai, song to xu chi “;”Spirit appeared in beiqi Zhao Zongru unintentionally from XieMou“, etc。, have left a prose masterpiece of tortoise lovers。

Tortoise is one of the source of human civilization, the totem, fables act the role ofing, eaves tiles, stone carving, sculpture, bronze, stamps, COINS, and other forms of culture are left a turtle up。and;People give turtle longevity, good fortune, riches and honour the good image;

When people draw draw longevity, auspicious implies, always the turtle and the crane keep pace, bamboo, bats and other animals and plants, turtles and other animal and plant combination together to create artistic conception and turtle because of the habit, temperament and charm, form the beauty of the spirit。Tortoise integrating color, shape, spirit, is the original beauty and modern beauty and comprehensive harmonious dialectical unity of beauty。


The value of the turtle is diversified, multi-level and various, and contact each other to promote each other, no matter which on the one hand, the value of all is worth you to know, to dig, to experience。As long as you are able to comprehensive, full and deep understanding to the value of a turtle, must be able to do a happy love know turtle turtle a tortoise。