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whale 鯨魚LOGO設計 by 之石設計

2022-01-23由 之石設計 發表于 漁業


本案為輪胎專營網店LOGO設計,名稱為“Well-Whale Wheel“。


This case is the LOGO design of the tire franchise online store, and the name is ”Well-Whale Wheel“。

According to the requirements, it adopts a relatively young and interesting design method, caters to a relatively novel name, and adopts the shape of a whale, which is simple, relaxed, and dynamic, which makes it easy to stand out from the relatively old and similar competitors。

According to the requirements, it adopts a relatively young and interesting design method, caters to a relatively novel name, and adopts the shape of a whale, which is simple, relaxed, and dynamic, which makes it easy to stand out from the relatively old and similar competitors。

之石設計 | Turqstyle Logo Design

whale 鯨魚LOGO設計 by 之石設計

whale 鯨魚LOGO有色底版本

whale 鯨魚LOGO設計 by 之石設計

whale 鯨魚LOGO透明底版本

whale 鯨魚LOGO設計 by 之石設計

whale 鯨魚LOGO單色版