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2022-06-13由 中國日報網 發表于 畜牧業




A set of crane-themed cosmetics produced by the Palace Museum was sold on Taobao。 [Photo/China Daily]

Palace Museum Taobao suspended production of cosmetics including lipsticks, eye shadow and rouge on Saturday, citing quality concerns following their release on the e-marketplace on Dec 11。 “故宮淘寶”5日宣佈唇膏、眼影、腮紅等彩妝系列產品因品質原因停產,該系列產品於2018年12月11日在淘寶上線。

這裡的“停產”用的是suspend production,也有媒體用halt production,suspend和halt均表示“暫停、中止”,也就是說,這個停產並不是永久停產,而是暫時的。如果說someone is suspended from job/school就表示“某人被停職或停學”。



“感謝所有聲音,每一條意見我們都有認真閱讀記錄。故宮淘寶原創系列彩妝,從外觀到內質仍有很多進步空間(Palace Museum Taobao‘s original makeup line still has much room for improvement from inside out)。所以我們決定,全線停產(halt all production lines),不斷完善,直至把最好的推送給大家(keep improving until we can present you with our best products)。已預售出的訂單(presale orders)會在年後春季陸續發貨(會略有富餘數量上架),請勿擔心。”



彩妝產品“涉及到膏體配方改良”,口紅外觀反饋不夠高階,膏體順滑流暢度和顏色都有進步空間(the lipstick was not smooth enough, and the color could be improved)。眼影珠光顆粒不夠精細(the eye shadow’s particles were insufficiently fine),部分顏色有飛粉現象。腮紅粉色挑人(the pinky blush color is not versatile on different skin undertones),橙色尚可,點翠藍色實用度欠佳(the light blue rouge was impractical)。





遮瑕膏: concealer

修容餅: shading powder

粉底: foundation (compact, stick)

粉餅: pressed powder

閃粉: shimmering powder/glitter

眉粉: brow powder

眉筆: brow pencil

眼線液(眼線筆): liquid eyeliner, eyeliner

眼影: eye shadow

睫毛膏: mascara

唇線筆: lip liner

唇膏: lip color/lipstick

唇彩: lip gloss/lip color

腮紅: blush/rouge

卸妝水: makeup remover

(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)