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2022-05-15由 易輯編譯SCI科研服務 發表于 畜牧業



The mean score among the students was 20。 The score among the staff was 10 however。

This study used a small sample。 Our previous study however used a large sample。

This interview study reveals varied responses from 10 students, however small group data cannot be generalized。

The interview responses from the students however small the group reveal problems with the new policy。

這些句子都可以改進。首先,“however”可以是表示對比的副詞,在句中位置較靈活。在句子(1)中,在最後一個詞“however”之前新增一個逗號,有助於將對比表達清楚:“The score among the staff was 10, however”。當表示對比的“however”出現在句子中間時,比如句子(2),兩邊都加上逗號可以更清楚:“Our previous study, however, used a large sample。”與“In contrast,…”或“By contrast,…”類似,“however”也可以移到開頭,後面跟一個逗號:“However, our previous study used a large sample。”

其次,“however”可以是讓步副詞(承認相反),如“nevertheless”、“still”、“at the same time”或“in spite of that”。在句子(3)中,有兩個獨立的子句,每個子句可以是一個完整的句子,因此在“however”之前需要一個完整的句號或分號。有些作者在“however”在句首時後面不加逗號,但加了逗號更清楚。在形容詞“small-group”之間加一個連字元更好:“However, small-group data cannot be generalized。”

第三,“however”可以是程度副詞,意思是no matter how,如句子(4)。它也表示讓步,但在“however”和形容詞“small”之間沒有逗號。因為短語“however small the group”是額外的資訊,應該放在一對逗號之間:“The interview responses from the students, however small the group, reveal problems with the new policy。”

